언론보도 글 76

An Interview with a Reporter on the Thoughts of Yongsan Buddhism-2

An Interview with a Reporter on the Thoughts of Yongsan Buddhism-2 Speaking about the Dharma realm of Yongsan Buddhism - new Buddhism of the universal truth! If it is true, I think that the person whom the sentient beings who have committed a lot of sin can rely on is only the Buddha. Taking this opportrnity, could you please explain the salvation power of the Buddha in detail? ▶ I will speak..

An Interview with a Reporter on the Thoughts of Yongsan Buddhism

An Interview with a Reporter on the Thoughts of Yongsan Buddhism Speaking about the Dharma realm of Yongsan Buddhism - new Buddhism of the universal truth! Present Buddhism that does not recognize the existence of the Buddha, and the spiritual bodies as the subject of transmigration must be changed for the better. 'Hyonjisa' is the mecca of Buddhism of the true Dharma, an also is the cradle of ..

Culture of Seon(zen) / Korean Buddhism has no future without their ...

Culture of Seon(zen) / Korean Buddhism has no future without their renovation -4 Meditation of chanting the sacred name of the Buddha is the best way of practice. This courage nay have arisen because he had a strong confidence that as the Avatamsaka Sutra, and the Lotus Sutra teach, the practice by obeying the precepts, reading the Sutras, and reciting a Buddha's name, among other things, is th..

Culture of Seon(zen)/Korean Buddhism has no future without their ...3

Great conversion to the concept of the Reward Body from the Dharma Body. Then what is the key word of the Dharma teachings of Great Monk Jajae Manhyon? It will be the great conversion from 'Buddhism that has given the first importance to the concept of the Dharma Body' to 'that which gives the first importance to the Reward Body. It is to reorganize the whole Buddhist world with the concept of ..

Culture of Seon/Korean Buddhism has no future without.......2

Korean Buddhism is like a frog in the well? 한국불교는 우물 안 개구리? The collections of the Dharma teachings of "The 21st Century Buddha's Message" written by Great Monk Jajae Manhyon, published by Hyonjisa, Hyonjigung that I have met amid these doubts on Korean Buddhsim, was extraordinary. I confess that it approached me as a great shock. It is because as I mentioned earlier, this..

현대불교신문 2010년 9월 1일 수요일 / 만현큰스님 인터뷰내용 - 1

우주적 진리의 신불교 - 영산불교의 법세계를 말한다! 부처님의 실존과 윤회의 주체인 영혼체를 인정하지 않는 기존 불교는 환골탈태해야 석가모니 부처님께서 상주하시는 성지 영산불교 현지사 불세존의 본불(보신불)인 노사나불과 여러 붓 다님들이 상주하신다는 성지, 특히 영산 당시의 가섭존자 ..