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[스크랩] 5월달 -1 ECOVIEW Headline 만현큰스님 인터뷰 기사

불제자 2009. 6. 30. 20:33


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ECOVIEW Headline






'He was enlightened and has attained Buddhahood by virtue

of empowerment of the Buddha'



Great Monk Jajae Manhyon

of Yongsan Buddhism



The twelfth day of the forthcoming My is 2552 Buddhist Era.  It is the day when Sakyamuni

Buddha manifested himself as a human in the human world.  He had attained Buddhahood nayuta

kalpas before.  He was born in a human body again some 2500 years ago, and rose to the throne

of the Buddha through ascetic sufferings and practice of meditation.  He departed from this world,

leaving vehind the words on the truth of the universe through the forty-five long years of his

Dharma teaching.  Let us redefine the meaning that the Buddha came to this world some 2500

years ago and what he spoke about the truth with the living message of a Buddha, Great Monk

Jajae Manhyon, the founderof the Yongsan Buddhism, who is spreading the true Dharma of the

Buddha on this land in the beginning of the 21st century.  Let us also share some of our precious

time together to ponder how we should live our life in this era.


Reporter Hyun Ji-hye    Photographer Kim Bo-hwa






Yongsan Buddhism


In January 2001, Great Monk Jajae Manhyon personally met Sakyamuni Buddha dwelling in

the Absolure Realm through recitation of the sacred name of the Buddha and attained the

approval of Buddhahood.  Yongsan Buddhism which has been dounded by the Great Monk has

established its main principles of teaching that they will seek to receive empowement of

Sakyamuni Buddha.  escape from transmigration, become a Bodhisattva of the Westem Pure

Lans and attain Buddhahood.  Yongsan Buddhism hopes that people will practice chanting the

sacred name of Sakyamuni Buddha who possesses the Three Bodies of the Dharma, Reward

and Transformation with wisdom, compassion, blessedvirtues, supematural powers and deep

samadhi.  It also hopes that through this chanting practice they will live a good life in this life-

time, and attain rebirth in the Westem Pure Land by being freed from the cycle of life and



At Hyonji Temple in Chuncheon, countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas including Sakyamuni

Buddha dwell or manifest at present.  The Great Monk preaches to lay Buddhists on the true

Dharma of the Buddha and the proper practice method at Hyonji Temple in Chuncheon,

Busan Branch, Daejeon Branch, etc. every month.


Especially, Yongsan Buddhism takes it as a fundamental to study SAutras continuously togeth-

er with cultivating one's practice and blessed virtues and establish systematic knowledge

about the Raealm of the Buddha Dharma.  Therefore, taking the Sutras like the Agama Sutra,

the ksitigarbha Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the lotus Sutra, etc. as its

basic Sutras, it emphasizes that all Bauddhist practitioners must study the Sutras.






   "The Buddha is the King who attained Buddhahood nayuta and

asankhya kalpas Before he became the Buddha, he had prac-

ticed and completed the Path of a Bodhisattva that is, almsgiv-

ing, morality, patience, devotion, meditation, and wisdom every time he

was born.  He cultivated sufficient wisdom, and merit and virtues to

become a Buddha."


   "부처님은 나유타하고도 아승지겁 전에 불과를 증하

신 지존이십니다.  붓다되기 전은, 태어날 적마다

보시 지계 인욕 정진 선정 지혜의 보살도를 휼륭

하게 실천 완성하셨습니다.  붓다되는 데 충분한 지혜와 공덕을

닦으신 것입니다."


   This is an indication about the life of Sakyamuni Buddha that Great

Monk Jajae Manhyon has made as a human and practitioner, and the

Founder of Yongsan Buddhism who had lived a life of only a practition-

er by practicing the Tahreefold Learning of morality, concentration and

wisdom during half his lifetime. He also said that the stage that the

Buddha had reached wad the universal enlightenment and truth that

simultanelusly passed through both the material anf spiritual world.


   반평생을 계정해 삼학을 닦는 가운데 오롯이 수행자

의 삶을 살아온 영산불교 설립자 자재만현 큰스님의 한 인간으

로서의 그리고 수행자로서의 석가모니 부처님의 삶에 대한 지

적이다.  큰스님은 석가세존이 이룬 붓다의 경지가 물질계와 정

신계를 동시에 통과한 우주적 깨달음이자 진리임을 설한다.


The Buddha is the universal human character

who has combined with the principle of the uni-



붓다는 우주의이(理)에 계합한 우주적 인격체


   "The Buddha id the human character who is universal and transcen-

dental at the same time.  It is because he has combined with the principle

of the universe.  He has become light itself and shines over the universe all

the time.  As he possesses eternal life, perfect wisdom and compassion,

and universal ability, the Buddha is a true God with human character."


   "붓다란 우주적이며 동시에 초월적인 인격체입니다.  우주의

이(理)에 완전 계합했기 때문입니다.  빛 자체가 되어 우주를 항

상 비추고 계십니다.  영원한 수명과 완전한 지혜  자비, 그리고

우주적인 능력을 갖추셨기에 붓다야말로 진정 인격적인 하느님



  The real character of the universe, that is, the principle of creation and

destruction(life and death) of all things that the Buddha became aware of

by attaining Buddhahood was the cause and effect, and cause and condi-

tion.  He attained enlightenment siting under the Bodhi tree at Gaya,

formed sangha, and entered nirvana.  The main contents of the Dharma

teaching that he preached during the forty-five years was no other than the

doctrine of interdependent arising.


   석가모니 부처님이 불과를 이루어 파악한 우주의 실체, 즉 만

물의 나고 죽음의 이치는 인과와 인연이었다.  석가모니 부처님

이 불타가야의 보리수나무 아래서 깨달음을 얻고 교단을 조직

하는 가운데 열반에 드시기 전까지 45년 동안 설법하신 내용은

다름 아닌 연기의 원리였다.


   The Great Monk has personally met the Buddha in the state of samadhi

during practice since 2001.  He listened to the Dharma talks of the Buddha

at the same time, and shared a lot of conversations with countless Buddhas

and Bodhisattvas.  He gives an admonition to contemporary mankind on

the existence of the Buddha about whom people just regard as a worldly

value or goal of life.


  지난 2001년 이후 수행 중 삼매의 경지에서 부처님을 친견함

과 동시에 부처님의 설법을 듣고 수많은 불보살님과 대화를 나

누는 자재만현 큰스님은 자칫 붓다가 하나의 가치 내지는 삶의

지향점으로 퇴색될 수 있는 현대 인류에게 붓다의 존재에 대한

일침을 준다.


   "Sakyamuni Buddha is the Buddha of the Buddhas who has produced

uncountable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Threefold Great Thousand

World Systema.  If one is a Buddha, he practices pure and clean actions

over billions of kalpas, completesactions of a Bodhisattva living with no

possession, and then possesses the Dharma Body Buddha, that is, the

formless universal body that has combined with the truth of the universe.

At the same time, in the Lotus Treasury Realm, he possesses his own

Bauddha Body with a holy character of the 32 bodily signs made of light of

the Absolute Realm (the Reward Body).  This Buddha Body teaches and

saves sentient beings within the wheel of life and death, manifesting tens

of thousands of his own Transformation Bodies (the Transformation

Buddhas).  The Buddha (the Reward Body) abiding in the Absolute Realm

in Selflessness that transcends existence and non-existence becomes a

light mass going beyond clearness and purity, and teaches and saves arhats

and Bodhisattvas, going and coming to the phenomenal world."


    "석가모니 부처님은 삼천대천세계의 수많은 붓다  보살을

내신 붓다 중 붓다이셨습니다.  붓다라 하면 억겁을 두고 청정

을 닦고 무소유로 살면서 보살행을 완성한 결과 우주의 진리에

계합한 무형의 우주적인 몸, 법신불을 두십니다.  동시에 절대

계의 빛으로 이루어진 32상의 거룩한 상모를 지닌 유형의 자기

불신을 연화장세계에 둡니다(보신불).  그 불신은 천으로도 만으

로도 자기의 화신(化身佛)을 나투어 윤회안의 중생을 교화하십

니다.  유무를 초월한 무아속 절대계에 계신 부처님(보신)은 맑

고 청정하다 못해 빛 덩어리 되어 경험세계를 넘나들면서 아라

한과 보살을 교화하고 계십니다."








Global ECOVIEW 28~30


출처 : 영산불교 현지궁 현지사
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